Shoulder Tendinitis
The shoulder is a large joint having the property of a wide range of movements. These movements are performed by a specialized structure called the ‘Rotator Cuff’, which is formed by the tendons of the shoulder muscles. They connect arms to the shoulder blades.
So when tendons of the shoulder joints are inflamed and injured, they become thickened develop shoulder tendinitis or rotator cuff tendinitis. Sometimes rotator cuff may get trapped under the Acromion, the shoulder's top bone, and a part of the scapula.
Causes of shoulder tendinitis:
A. Some sports may cause pinching of the tendons of the shoulder and develop tendinitis. Like –
- Pitching a Baseball
- Weightlifting
- Serving or spiking a volleyball
- Racket sports
- Swimming
B. Some work that involved overhead hand reaching also may cause shoulder tendinitis
C. Direct injury to the rotator cuff is also an important cause.
Symptoms of shoulder tendinitis:
The severity and nature of the symptoms may differ from person to person in shoulder tendinitis. But the common symptoms are-
-Shoulder pain, even there is no movement
- Restricted and painful shoulder movements
- Inability to hold the limb in some specific positions.
- Swelling and tenderness of the joints.
- Sudden severe sharp pain may occur during reaching or lifting.
- Crepitus (a clicking sound) may hear during shoulder movement.
Investigations to diagnose shoulder tendinitis:
With relevant history and symptoms, some investigation will confirm the diagnosis. But must consult with your physician before doing any investigation because some other medical conditions may cause the same types of symptoms.
Usually, a physician advises for an X-ray or MRI of the shoulder joint. Sometimes ultrasonography of the shoulder joint may help to exclude other synovial diseases.
Treatments of shoulder tendinitis:
1. The rest of the Joint is the key treatment for shoulder tendinitis or tendonitis. It will reduce pain and swelling.
2. Applying a cold pack to the shoulder for 15 minutes, 3 to 4 times daily, may help.
3. Try to avoid sleeping or lying on the inflamed shoulder. Try to keep shoulder muscle relaxed and not clinch.
4. Some over-the-counter creams, ointments may help to reduce pain. For example-
- Menthol
- Capsaicin
- Camphor
- Methyl Salicylate
5. Over-the-counter NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) should be used to treat pain.
6. Physiotherapy and strengthening exercise may help in shoulder tendinitis. After the acute stage, some stretching exercises will help regain joint power and movements. But these procedures should be guided by a physiotherapist. Otherwise, a further injury may occur.
7. Ultrasound therapy
8. An intra-articular corticosteroid shot dramatically reduce the pain and improve joint function. But procedure-related complications may injure the joint structures.
9. If the rotator cuff injury is severe or the tendon is torn up or ruptured, urgent surgery is required.
Complications of shoulder tendinitis:
If shoulder tendinitis is not treated correctly, some complications may develop. Like-
- Pain may persist for a long time
- The joint movement will be reduced
- The joint may become permanently deformed
- Finally, a disability may develop and living will be difficult.
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Dr. Hasan Ebna Amin
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