Top 3 types of food for bodybuilding
Bodybuilding may be defined as the use of progressive resistance and heavy exercise to control and develop body musculature. In modern civilization, it is practised as a sport or an exercise. But often, it fails due to taking diet inappropriately. Proper Nutrition is the most important factor of every good bodybuilding program. The proper bodybuilding diet is essential to grow and maintain your musculature and maintain good health status.
Some people think an excessive amount of food is needed for gaining musculature, and some people reduce food intake to lose some weight. But both are may be harmful to your health and will fail you to reach your goal.
Three major types of food are needed for proper bodybuilding, with some additional micronutrients and plenty of water.
So, these are-
Protein containing foods for body building
Protein is a well-used word by bodybuilders. You may think it is the main food for bodybuilding. Yes, a bodybuilder needs protein in increased amounts. But it is not the top requirement. We need protein 25-35% of the total daily calorie requirement.
Why is it necessary?
Protein is the main structural component of our body, especially muscle. Protein is made of different types of amino acids. Every hour many cells of our body die and regenerate. Some cells produce hormones and enzymes, which are also made of protein. Blood and plasma contain a large protein pool. Destroyed tissue or cells break down into small proteins and then into amino acids. And they used it again for reconstruction. This is protein turnover. But the body cannot utilize 100% of damaged protein. Some portions are excreted. So, we need to take protein daily. And a bodybuilder needs more due to their muscle growth and increased demand.
Which food is protein-rich and bodybuilding friendly?
We should choose high-quality protein sources with a low amount of fat. We should try some lean proteins. No, these are not food supplements. You will easily find it in-
- Egg Whites
- Eggs Whole (but egg yellow contains a high level of cholesterol)
- Chicken Breast
- Turkey Breast
- Top Round Steak (very lean red meat)
- Leanest Cuts of Bison/Buffalo (also contain a high amount of fat)
- Lean Game Meat (elk, venison, etc.)
- Salmon (fish with high omega-3 fat content)
- Tilapia and Other White Fish (lean fish) etc.
- Vegetarians should take proteins from high protein plant sources, but the principle and objective is the same for everyone: Try to take some lean protein with your meal.
Amount of protein we should take:
It depends upon your body weight and your exercise. But don’t take it too much. Usually, a 60 kg bodybuilder daily minimum required protein is about 130 gm.
Carbohydrates containing foods for bodybuilding
Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy. It is required about 35-50% of your daily meal. Carbohydrates supply energy quickly to our bodies and store glycogen as well as fat.
Why is it necessary?
Primary carbohydrate-containing foods are plant sources. They also supply micronutrients like vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates are usually found in bulky fibrous foods, which help us with bodybuilding and causes decreased fat absorption in our intestines.
Which foods are carbohydrate reach?
Rice, wheat, Fruits- Mango, Banana, Apple, Strawbery etc., Cereals and grains, juices, Vegetables etc
Amount of carbohydrates should we take?
An adult average sedentary worker needs only 150-200 gm of carbohydrates. But a heavy worker like a bodybuilder needs about 400 gm of carbohydrates per day.
Fat containing foods for bodybuilding
Fat means fear to a bodybuilder. But the truth is you need fat about 15-30% of your total daily calorie intake.
Why should we take fat?
It is the main storage form of energy in our body. Fat helps to absorption of vitamin A, D, E and K. It also plays a vital role to build our body structure. It provides energy during prolonged fasting. It also helps in blood sugar control. Some fats containing Omega 3 fatty acids should be supplemented in your bodybuilding diet. They are essential for growth and health. Fish oil is the best form of this nutrient. Many hormones and enzymes in the body, such as testosterone, are dependent on fats for optimal production and function.
Sources of fat:
Protein-rich food also contains a good amount of fat. Cooking Oils, Olive Oil, Butter, Margarine, meat, eggs etc., are a good source of fat.
Amount of fat we need:
An adult bodybuilder should take around 60 gm of fat in his daily diet.
Other food and food supplements
Everyone should take vitamins and minarets regularly. But most of them are taken as additives by taking carbohydrate-rich foods. But some people like to take micronutrient supplements.
Health supplements for bodybuilders are also available in the market. But their beneficiary effect is still not well established. FDA reports 50,000 health problems due to the use of supplements each year. It does not have the resources to oversee the market. According to FDA, 70% of the companies do not follow basic quality standards. So the choice is yours. To take it or leave it!
So, diet for proper bodybuilding-
- Take protein, carbohydrate and fat with micronutrients and water accordingly.
- Take food in a small amount but frequently. Minimum five times in a day. It helps to positive nitrogen balance.
- You may try food supplements. But are you sure about the product quality? Try with natural food then!
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Dr. Hasan Ebna Amin
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