About Us


About Us - Dr. Hasan's Blog (www.dr-hasan.info)

In different social media like- Facebook and various health-related websites, we do not understand which health and tech information are accurate or which are false.
An energetic young doctor Dr. Hasan Ebna Amin, working in Bangladesh's health and research sector, created this website to bring authentic information to you.

Dr. Hasan Ebna Amin, MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine) resident of Dhaka Medical College, is a professional health topic writer, article and book reviewer, research article editor, social worker, and blogger. He is a government employee and working as a physician in the Bangladesh Civil Service.

A highly skilled review team verifies every health information published in Dr. Hasan's Blog (www.dr-hasan.info). The members of our review team are doctors, and they review the authenticity of each writing very efficiently.

Our Mission and What We Do

Provide people Authentic Health Informations:
  • We provide Authentic Health Informations Through Our Blog
  • We serve people online (contactus@dr-hasan.info and +8801408497771) with health consultation for free.
  • We provide video consultation by specialist doctors.
  • We are always with you to keep you healthy.

We provide the opportunity to the bloggers to write:

  • Anyone can write any health articles on our website
  • We promote good writers throw our advertisement channel on social sites like Facebook, Instagram etc.
  • We have other publication websites and blogs to write the story, poems, scientific articles etc. We also promote new writers.

We create and publish mobile apps and trendy IT blogs:

  • IT Doctor (https://it.dr-hasan.info) is our sister website to publish mobile apps and trendy tech blogs.
  • All the apps published by IT Doctor will be free is out moto. 
  • We provide free hosting for apps but by young developers.
  • We guide and nurse young developers to create apps.
We are always with you. Knock us on email contactus@dr-hasan.info or Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/drhasansblog) to get proper health advice, or any other consultations for free.

Hope, with Dr. Hasan's Blog (www.dr-hasan.info), not only authentic reading, but also your writing skill will be reflected on the keyboard. We will also promote your health, diet, fitness-related articles, poetry stories, or your unique writings on social media, including Facebook.

Want your website? Want a blog of your own? If it is about 'health-awareness,' we will get along with you at any time.

Welcome to Dr. Hasan's Blog (www.dr-hasan.info) and happy reading.

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