How to improve concentration
Concentration may be defined as "The mental ability to direct one's thinking in any direction one would aim".
We all have the capability to focus some of the time on something. But it doesn’t persist for a long time. Our thoughts become scattered, and our minds chase from one thing to another. To deal with such a period, we have to learn and practice concentration skills and strategies.
Our ability to concentrate on any task or job depends on enthusiasm for the task, skill at doing the task, our emotional and physical state and surrounding environment.
Concentration span is the time we can concentrate on a specific task or job before our thoughts scattered. Being focused is very important to succeed in any job and task. Students need a good result, and an employee wants to provide good service and gain success. Every person wants to be successful. But all goes wrong and delayed because our concentration on anything is not persistent.
Are you feeling the same way? Let’s try to get rid of these problems. Here are some ways to be more focused and concentrated.
** How to improve concentration
Set a target and be aimed to increase your concentration:
Without an aim, you can’t be successful. At first, you have to think you have to do it, you can do it, and you will do it. Set a goal and stay focused.
Be motivated by others:
What you think about your concentration during watching an action movie or doing your favourite work? Time passes; your attention remains strong all the time.
Look at other students and coworkers who are doing well. Most of them are patient and attentive to their job and getting success. Why you cannot be attentive? Be motivated by them. Try to believe in yourself and set an aim, and be confident.
Set your surroundings:
If you are feeling disturbed about anything in your surrounding environment, you can rearrange them.
- If possible, choose a quiet place to do your job or study. Surrounding sounds or situations may stimulate your sensory impulses, and your mind may be distracted.
- Use comfortable furniture.
- Avoid all types of substances irritating you.
- Stay calm.
Be strict on a single task:
During any work don’t think about the others. For example, if you are studying in the evening and trying to concentrate, a thought came that you will have to buy something or have to do other work the following day. Your brain distracted, and it starts to plan how you will do it.
So, every time your brain finds a new thought, you have to tell your brain that it can be postponed and current work is more important at present.
A human brain has the ability to arrange a ‘to do’ list according to its importance. There are many sounds produced on the road. Many people and vehicles are making different meaningful and meaningless sounds. But, your brain catches which one is necessary for you. It is the excellent ability of a human brain; arranging and setting things according to their importance. So be focused on your current job.
Still, your brain playing with it? Make a ‘to do’ list. Write down your next morning plan. Now tell your brain, “you don’t have to be worried. I set a reminder for you.”
Avoid postponing:
Think about your task. What will happen if you postponed it? It would not be easier or shorter if you postponed. Be focused. Try to complete the task duly.
Stretch your mind!:
Don’t be surprised. Yes, try to stress your mind. Every time your mind wants to stop the task, you try to do it 15 minutes more. After 15 minutes, again, set your mind for the next 15 minutes.
It is like a bodybuilding exercise. Bodybuilders gain their strong musculature by doing the same thing repeatedly. Your brain also can be stretched in that mean. Push the part of exhaustion of your brain for the next 15 minutes.
Take a short break:
Don’t do a job for more than 2 hours without any break. Have a little walk. Have some chit chats with family members or coworkers. It will refresh your mind.
Again be concentrated on your job after 3- 5 minutes. Don’t take a long break.
Take some meditation lessons. It will teach you how to be concentrated and focused. Learn few easy meditation techniques. Practice them daily, at least for 10-15 minutes.
During meditation, watch your breath. Don’t try to correct or reorganize it. Just give a focus on it. It will teach you to be concentrated on only one thing.
You can take a 5-minute meditation session during your work. After few hours of work, a 5-minute relaxation technique will refresh you. It is not so important to have your meditation room or a specific place and clothing for being meditated.
Change your lifestyle:
- Take some exercise daily. At least for half an hour. Fast walking or jogging in a fresh morning environment will increase your brain's oxygen supply and improve your concentration and memory.
- Try to eat a healthy diet. Abdominal discomfort disease dependent on lifestyle like obesity, hypertension, heart disease, peptic ulcer disease etc., may impair your concentration during a task.
- Sleep well. Be strict on a 7-8 hour regular sleep routine. Sleep disturbance may cause mental and emotional changes and impair your focus.
Concentration exercise:
There are some concentration increasing exercises, such as-
- Sitting still in a chair for a certain period
- Fix gazes on fingers
- Concentrate on the sense of smell
- Talking before a glass etc.
But if you practice meditation regularly, it will be more effective to increase your concentration.
These are some ways to be more focused and concentrated on a job or task. A human brain is a puzzle. But you can control it with your strong motivation. So, Set an aim, stay focused, stay chilled, remain calm and be successful in your life.
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