Exercises for tendinitis
When your tendon is inflamed and tendinitis develops, rest is the key measurement. Exercise should not start at first. But if the pain persists for a long time, develop chronic tendinitis despite taking primary measures like rest, pain killer, etc., you should go for physiotherapy and some stretching exercises. It will help to improve joint movements, prevent joint deformities. Home remedies for tendonitis will also help in such cases.
Here is some exercise that may help to improve chronic tendinitis pain and joint movements are-
Forearm flex and stretch:
Forearm flex and stretch will help you to relieve pain in your forearm, wrist, and elbows. It will bring back the flexibility of all the tendons of the forearm. This exercise can be done in sitting or standing positions. Grab the fingers of the affected arm with the other hand and pull them back until feeling a stretch or mild pain in the forearm. Palm should be faced to the floor and keep this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat it ten times in a session and thrice a day.
Prayer and reverse prayer stretch:
The prayer and reverse stretch improve the tendons that attach to the elbow and fingers. Just place your palm together like praying. Both hands should be at chest height or a little above. Then lower both arms s far as possible without separating palms. Do the reverse. Place your dorsum together at chest height. Gently push on each other. Repeat a few times a day.
Shoulder stretch:
Arm elevating in the supine position for a few seconds repeatedly will help you increase the shoulders' movement in shoulder tendinitis. You may grab a table, bend forward slightly, and just allow the affected shoulder to move like a pendulum. This will relieve the pain and improve joint function. Another important exercise for shoulder tendinitis is stand in an opened doorway. Grab the sides of the doorway. Lean forward gently up to the mild pain and stretch you feel for a few seconds. Repeat all the exercises 5 to 10 times in a session. Three sessions in a day should be performed.
Calf stretching:
Calf stretching will relieve your tendinitis pain in the legs. It also helps to improve the movement of ankle tendinitis and ease the pain. Do stretch your calf muscles, stand facing a wall and put your palms on it. Step back with one foot, but heels should be flat and touched to the ground. Then bending forward with the front leg will stretch the calf muscles and their tendons. Hold for a few seconds and do it to your other leg. Repeat the movements 5 to ten times. Three to four sessions per day should try to improve the leg and ankle tendinitis.
Quadriceps stretch:
The quadriceps stretch helps to regain the flexibility and strength of the muscle of the thigh and tendons attached to the knee and patella. It is an excellent exercise for patellar tendinitis. Stand in front of a chair. Put the foot of the affected leg on the chair's surface with the top of your foot down, and the knee also should be facing down. Lean forward to stretch the quadriceps of the thigh for a few seconds. Repeat 5 to 10 times and three sessions a day.
These are the standard exercises you may try to resolve tendinitis pain. But a consultation with your doctor and physiotherapist is required if the disease is a severe condition.
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Shoulder Tendinitis
Dr. Hasan Ebna Amin
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