Allergy! Easy ways to avoid it!
Now we are enjoying the Spring season and waiting for summer. Spring is a season of beauty. It is a season of a new beginning. Flowers bloom, trees become green again with fresh leaves.
But Spring brings pollen too! A dry environment causes increased dust in the air. So, Spring is also a season of allergy. Many people suffer allergic symptoms in Spring, like the Rainy season. Today we will try to discuss the basic concept of the allergy and few necessary precautions we should follow to control allergic symptoms.
Today's topic of Dr. Hasan's Blog - is Allergy! Easy ways to avoid it!
What is an allergy?
Just Google it. Wikipedia defines it very quickly - “An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Symptoms such as red eyes, itchiness, and runny nose, eczema, hives, or an asthma attack.”
The human body has a unique capability to recognize and destroy any particle foreign to it. It is the immune system of our body. It is a robust process and may cause death and severe harm to our body as a hypersensitivity reaction. In hypersensitivity reaction, the human immune system activates against any foreign particle to which previously our body was exposed and already had antibodies against that specific antigenic foreign particle.
So, Maybe ‘allergy’ is a common term. But it can be so much injurious to our health.
Types of allergy-
There are many types of allergy according to its aetiology, such as-
- Food mediated allergy: A variety of foods cause allergic reactions. Most of them are produced by cow's milk, peanuts, soy, eggs, wheat, tree nuts, and fish. Other foods also can cause allergy, but in less than 10% of cases.
- Non-food proteins such as latex also can cause an allergic reaction in different persons.
- Locally used substances: Superficially used creams and lotions also can cause allergy to anyone. So choosing a product is very important and can differ from person to person.
- Genetic cause: Allergy may run through our genes, and the study shows, allergic parents are more likely to have allergic children. Identical twins are likely to have the same allergic diseases about 70% of the time; the same allergy occurs about 40% of the time in non-identical twins. (Ref: )
- Environmental factors: These are the most critical factors that can be avoided. Exposure to an allergen is more common in an urbanized population. Pollen, dust, occupational lung diseases of a farmer, or a coal worker or a worker who is repeatedly exposed to silica, etc., are the top environmental factors of allergy. And these environmental factors are responsible for common allergic disease as allergic rhinitis, urticaria, bronchial asthma, etc.
- Drugs: Some drugs like penicillin, cephalosporin, a sulfa group containing drugs, etc., can cause an allergic reaction, which may be fatal.
Other factors, such as unhygienic living, is also may responsible for allergy.
Today's article of - Dr. Hasan's Blog is Allergy! Easy ways to avoid it!
How to avoid allergies?
Now we know a little about the allergy, and we can avoid and control our allergic symptoms in 6 easy ways-
- Eat the appropriate food-: If you are allergic to some specific foods. Identify them and avoid them. Antioxidants, found in fruits, vegetables, green tea, and other foods and beverages, help to regulate inflammatory mediators inside our body and are a critical factor in controlling allergies. ( )
- Choose a better product for cosmetic use.
- For seasonal allergies (allergic rhinitis, red-eye, etc.), avoid pollen and dust. If possible, close your windows, and turn on the air conditioning.
- If your occupation is the offender, try to change it. If not possible, take appropriate measures to avoid allergens. You may take advice from a general practitioner regarding which type of musk or protection you should use.
- You can use some over the counter antihistamines such as ‘loratadine’ or ‘cetirizine.’ These medications are used for blocking histamine receptors and inhibit histamine functions, which cause sneezing, itching, runny nose, and watery eyes. But if symptoms persist, you must visit your doctor.
- Avoid offensive drugs: Some drugs are allergic to some people. If any medication prescribed by your doctor causes any allergic reaction, such as rash or urticaria, you must stop the medicine and have an urgent visit to your physician. You should note down the generic name and group name of the offender drug and tell about it to your doctor every next visit.
You are reading about Allergy! Easy ways to avoid it! by - Dr. Hasan's Blog
It’s simple to get control over allergies. Now, we know the causes of allergies. We can avoid them easily.
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