When tendinitis becomes chronic - Chronic Tendinitis (or Tendonitis)
Chronic Tendinitis, but professionals or doctors sometimes called it overuse tendinopathy, is inflammation of tendons associated with pain, tenderness, and swelling. We know that tendons are unique fibrous tissue structures having the property of bending, stretching and twisting. But they are inflamed, and tendinitis developed when they are injured by trauma, overuse, over work-load.
Usually, tendinitis pain persists a few days to weeks. However, generally, taking rest and NSAID relieve the pain and cure tendinitis within two to four weeks.
Today's topic of Dr. Hasan's Blog - www.dr-hasan.info is When tendinitis become chronic (Chronic Tendinitis)
But when tendinitis becomes chronic?
When tendon inflammation persists for more than six weeks, tendinitis becomes chronic and is medically termed chronic tendinitis. Usually, maltreatment and ignorance of tendon pain or tendinitis in the acute stage is the leading cause to develop chronic tendinitis. Older people are at high risk of developing chronic tendinitis. Besides pain, tenderness, and swelling, permanent restriction of joint movement or joint deformity may develop in chronic tendinitis.
Causes of chronic tendinitis-
- Old age: Elder people are prone to develop chronic tendinitis as their tendons lose elasticity with their age. Tendon injury is also common in older people due to repeated falls.
- Ignorance of pain: Tendons are enervated and produce symptoms when they are inflamed. Pain is a key symptom of tendinitis. Swelling, tenderness, and restriction of joint movement are other symptoms. If you ignore the symptoms and continue the stretching of the tendon or continue overuse, the tendinitis will not subside by the management or drugs. These inflammations will cause permanent structural changes and degeneration of the tendons and turn acute tendinitis into chronic tendinitis.
- Tendon injury: Tendon injury due to an accident, fall, surgery, even in overuse may cause scarring, fibrosis and degenerative changes in the tendon directly without any acute stage.
- Incorrect posture: If your job forces you to do your work in the wrong posture, tendinitis may develop in the near future.
- Chronic Inflammatory diseases: If tendinitis develops due to chronic inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis, etc., tendinitis may persist for many months as primary diseases are long term diseases.
- Chronic use of drugs: Statins and fluoroquinolones cause tendonitis. Statins are used in dyslipidemia, cardiac diseases and stock for a long time. If tendonitis develops, patients ignore this pain due to the severity of cardiac disease or stroke and continue using the drug. Sometimes lack of knowledge also plays a role, and chronic tendonitis may develop.
Today's article of www.dr-hasan.info - Dr. Hasan's Blog is When tendinitis becomes chronic (Chronic Tendinitis)
Treatment of chronic tendinitis
Prevention of developing chronic tendinitis from an acute stage is the key to avoid chronic tendinitis. If chronic tendinitis develops, the rest of that joint and tendon are required. NSAID is used to relieve pain. But in chronic cases, physiotherapy plays the best role. Some home-based nonpharmacological management also helps to relieve pain and joint movement restriction. (Please see the article “Natural management of tendinitis”). If pain is severe and persistent and/or the joint is deformed, surgical intervention is needed.
So, we should be aware and try to prevent these factors before tendinitis becomes chronic. If chronicity develops, it will be difficult to cure it, and joint deformity will develop, and joint function will be reduced.
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